Africa E-Commerce and Online Retail 2021 – Technology Market Map
E-Commerce and Retail,Market Map
June 14, 2021
e-Commerce and Online Retails companies across Africa secured over 60 VC deals over the past 12 months, totalling over $140 million USD.
E-Commerce North Africa: Venture Backed Start-ups 2020
E-Commerce and Retail,North Africa,Market Map
November 9, 2020
19 venture backed e-commerce start-ups innovating across North Africa
Super app Africa: A Trend Here to Stay?
E-Commerce and Retail,Interview
November 3, 2020
We ask the experts to understand if Super app services in Africa are here to stay, or if it is a short-term trend in 2020?
Baobab Developments: Product and Market updates in West Africa Q2 2020
Funding Report,E-Commerce and Retail,West Africa
September 21, 2020
Q2 2020 overview of key market developments, product announcements and market expansions announced across West Africa
Baobab Briefing: 2020 Merchant and Payment Services Report
Funding Report,E-Commerce and Retail
September 3, 2020
We highlight the key investment trends and companies providing digital payments and merchant services across Africa
Baobab Briefing: E-Commerce and Online Retail Report
Funding Report,E-Commerce and Retail
July 27, 2020
We take a closer look at the e-commerce and online retail in Africa, and highlight key VC investment trends, recent market developments and companies that have caught our eye in 2020.