Training the Next Generation: Mapping the EdTech ecosystem

The EdTech sector in Africa is very active, however, the market appears too crowded around developing learning management solutions and personal tutoring services. Many of the start-ups originate in South Africa and Nigeria, with a smaller number of start-ups based in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania. We take a holistic view of the education technology market in Africa to understand how it is developing.

EdTech Market Map Africa

While significant progress has been made in making education available, quality is still an issue

While average primary school graduation rates have risen significantly across Sub-Saharan Africa, almost 9 out of 10 students are graduating without a basic grasp of reading or mathematics.

The EdTech ecosystem is flourishing but not in scope

While there is significant activity in the EdTech space, the market appears too crowded around developing learning management solutions and personal tutoring services.

The regional focus might dictate the solutions available

While there is EdTech start-up activity across the continent 67% of this originates from South Africa or Nigeria. Kenya (8%), Ghana (4%) and Tanzania (4%) have much smaller EdTech ecosystems.

This report was first published in March 2019.

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